We design spaces to UP-grade your living. Living is about the space your living +  the way you live in this space. Both aspects are integrated in our vision on life and living.


We all live in spaces varying from the world we are in, the area we move, the house we are living, the spot we work, the rooms we sleep, the bar meeting other people, the nature we relax.


Because we are convinced your spaces should be the place where you live harmonieus we are ambitious to create spaces that UP-grade your living. And because the world offering us this spaces she should be treated as our best landlord. What leads to an approach creating spaces that serves the world by creating spaces that are sustainable as far as possible. And for that we fight for the optimum to find utopia in our own biotope.

And because it appears we really need to treat our landlord in a different way our vision is to change the way we use our spaces. If our living is focussed on creating happyness by enjoying other ingredients the world gets a better space.


For that we created spaces based on living concepts to UP-grade your living by finding luck in things that do not infect our world we living in.


To fulfill our goal were on our way to create many spaces where we integrate our program. We are proud we are able to work on spaces that serves you to joyjoyjoy live, work, relax, grow, party, eat, sleep, learn, explore and sport.


To UP-grade your living we created a collection of event spaces, meeting spaces, expo spaces, travel spaces, work spaces, horeca spaces, retreat spaces, solo spaces and housing spaces.


They are located on beautiful spots with natural ingredients as research learned that is what make us, people, happy.

The spaces we created are UP-grading in a lot of ways.


They are made with sustainable ingredients. The materials are eco, natural and honest. The interior is recycled, vintage and with timeless design. Trends are out, very much not fashionable, and a personal individual style is in. Thats what we support with our design.


We support working with artisanal crafters in developing countries. By making products they create a honest income so the children can go to school and there is enough food for the family. The products are pure while there working with there hands creating the most beautifull design.


Working with local brands and makers offering possibilities to let the local market grow as the joyjoyjoy society needs another way to fill our houses.

The programs we work with to UP-grade living are presented further on the website. Here we mention a short overview.


To start with the aspect all the design is UP-grading with honest eco design but in a stylish and attractive way.


Further every space we design has a unique story related to the setting.  Its emphasizing a way we can life while UP-grading our living with art and design. With inspiring and humoristic details we lay out a route through the space creating several layers that makes you crack your brain about your life and living.


All the spaces to life in and your living in the spaces is based on a model that invites you to create your life and living in a way its UP-grading your world.  The model for Happy Healthy Honest Hot Handels for living provides you with the tools to live according this vision.


The handels include the 4 terrains your living is about. Happy living is about the relation with your inner self. Healthy living is about the relation with your body. Honest living is about your reaction with the world your living in. Hot living is about the people around you your having a relation with.



We work with people PLUS, normally they say people with a distance to the labour market, but we really don’t like that way of approaching. With people PLUS we organise a setting where every human being can join the joyjoyjoy society. Beside what is a normal human being as we think everybody has talents and everybody should have a fair change.


Next to that we think its sad so many people in the world does not have a save home to live in. We think every person deserves a space to live in harmonie. But its frustrating in this world turning the other side around the reality is different. But no time to think that way we have the objective to build houses for the people that miss that.

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So for that we are collaborating with Homeplan with who we build houses for the poorest in the world. Now every year we finance a new house for a family who we are making very happy thanks to you joining our concept UP-grading living.


The next stage is to start a guest house in the community we support so the people earn an income with which they can evolve to a next stage and earn money to feed the children and to crate hope for a better future. Another reason to take better care of our globe.