Part of our business is creating UP-grading living with making homes for homeless people in the poorest parts of the world.


So by using our spaces you create the possibilities to build and maintain this program. The families we build for are grateful your part of this program.




With our company we invest financially  in housing in for people without a home.


A part of our turnover is invested in this social goal. The return in this investment is happiness. That makes our company a social enterprise.

For us its pretty logic as our company operates to create UP-grading. Its even so that thanks to our company we are able to work on a better world.




We are ambitious to create housing for the homeless, as we think its unbelievable 1/5 of the people in the world is living without a safe roof. In this world with so much money and possibilities  its crazy there is still so much poorness.


For us the effect is that its unbearable to keep going with a comfy living while this is going on in the world. Every day its triggering our mind how to change this. And its influencing our daily rhythm how we can turn on the buttons.

Thats why one of the reasons we work so hard in our company is to change at least one thing in this world by creating spaces that UPgrade the Living of that people.


Because as we are creators of spaces we are ambitious to include making spaces for people without possibilities. And as we love to house people, and make them happy in there space, we do that to in the poor regions in the world.


Social geography is one of the disciplines our business is based on. Specialised in research building housing in developing countries all knowledge comes together in JOYJOYJOY Society.




Our goal is to let people there to have there own house. Because without a home its not possible to build a normal living.

People deserve a place where you are safe with a door you can lock. A house that protects you against rain and cold. A space to raise your children safe.


Beside a house offers the possibility to create an income by having all kind of business within that house. Or its possible to rent out a part of the house to create income.


Together with that a house includes building your pension and make people resilient. Another important element is the mental effect of having there own property. People are proud and feel worthfully they are in the position to have a house.


With all this ingredients this housing project feeds at several levels. Every day you stay in one of our locations you contribute to our program to build houses for the poorest people in the world.



For our model we cooperate with Homeplan, a Dutch ngo.


Every year we build one or two houses. Some years we go there to build the houses our self. We go there and work together with the contractor. And also work together with the new family that helps to create there new home.


We travel to locations far away in off the road cars for hours. Arriving in the poor villages we are welcomed by the local chiefs,


We stay with families in the village in there tiny houses. They are so friendly and generous what is so impressive. They cook for us there normal meals consisting of really basic ingredients. With the mais from there own plot they are capable of creating a nice simple meal at the open fire.

In the morning they offer us some sticky bread with sweet jam and sweet tea after we walk to the construction place. During the day we work together with the local constructors and the new owner on the house.


On the building plot we bring the heavy weight stones carrying by hand to the spot. Brick by brick we build the walls with cement wit windows and doors. The cement is made on the floor shuffled by hand.


The sun shines, its warm, but the energy floods. Hour after hour goes by and we see the house growing. Its amazing to see that in one week we build a whole casco house.


You can imagine the good vibe creating a new home with the whole team. Everybody is excited and willing to give the most energy possible.

Children are running around and help to when they can. They watch us curious with there beautifull eyes and asking all kind of questions.


When the day is done we walk back to our guest family. We see people coming form everywhere to the water source to tap water in there gallons. Everybody is interested in us and smile and ask how we are doing.


The smiles of the people are everywhere. Thats the most impressive ingredient to see the people so poor being so positive. There is no wifi its just talking and dancing and laughing.


When we, tired from a day of hard working, arriving in our guest house the children surrounds us talking, asking and smiling. We play with them. Some one makes some music and we start dancing. With simple ingredients there is a lot of fun and we are impressed by there joyful state of mind.

Why we are so often stressed while here we are aware of this simple pleasure. It makes us realise so much we are so rich with our lives. This experience should be given to everybody to get a realistic vision on our rich way of living.


After two weeks the house is completely finished. During a ceremony with music and singing the house gets delivered to the new family. With a speech and a blessing from the priest during a holy ceremony the family gets there key of there new front door.


With teers in there eyes they say thank you to you crating tears in your eyes to. Its the most impressive moment be aware of seeing the family go into there new home and realise there lives are from now completely different.



The terrain is obtained locally. Its important the ground under the house becomes the possession of the families.


With local handicrafters in the team the local economy is boosted. The materials are also locally sourced to create sustainability, low prices and local impact.


The houses are designed in a way to optimise the housing possibilities. They are build to adjust to local circumstances. With a water reservoir on the roof two objectives get realised. It creates coolness and it supplies water for the small watertank next to the house.

The floor is higher to secure people with dry feet during floods. The door can be locked to secure peoples life and materials. There two rooms to divide the house in spaces to work and to sleep.


Every time we deliver a house we are so lucky to see the new owners proud and happy. They now start a new living with much more possibilities and with a new future.




We are grateful to join Homeplan and create houses  with them where we invest in there projects. You can check the website or socials from Homeplan to see what there up to and follow all activities or join them to.


By joining JOYJOYJOY Society your part of it and we like to work with you to grow and help more people with a new house.