SOSial Spaces is a design bureau designing and developing SOSial Spaces. For the interior of these spaces we design our own social design collection. We are convinced making a beautifull world starts with honest and pure products thats spoiling the user and enrich the maker. Therefore we design products thats made with eco materials from nature made honestly with love and craftmenship.


The products you find with SOSial Spaces are recycled, fair trade, eco, sustainable, locally or vintage.

We travel around the world to supply you with the finest materials with the most beautifull design. We go to fairs everywhere like Delhi, Jakarta, Cape Town, Lima to investigate the market, the desings and way the people work there. The beautifull technics and crafmenshop durig inspires us our trips to small-scale productionunits in Azie, Africa and South America.


We went to Kolkata for textile and to the deep South of India to produce ceramics. On Java and Bali we cooperate on production home ware like candels, boneproducts and leatherproducts. Deep down in Maroc Berber woman produce carpets for us.


The people making these products receive a fair price for there products. That’s a way of creating reciprocity. By earning a fair income people there are able to build on their life there. We invest money in creating SOSial Spaces for the people there to.

We also work locally with people in social working places. They are not able to integrate in the regular market and need special attention. They are autistich, are reintegrating, are refugees or disabled. Togethere we think about designing special products they have the skills for to produce them.


We are working on our own social workplace in a church in the north of Amsterdam. Als there we design a restaurant managed by people with autism. With products from there own garden they will make lovely and pure food.

For the design we choose to develop products that are pure and simple. They are timeless so no material and energy is spoiled for fast consuming products. They are produced acording the high end western standards. We aim to connect local, tribal and cultural design to the western look and feel.


The technics handcrafters are working with since ages are kept alive. We like to integrate those skills in the projects. The people are so proud on their skills and by using this they are very worhfull to us. Their technics are translated to our language of design and style.


Our products are made to enrich our SOSial Spaces and are for sale for your own space. We want to create sustainbale spaces where you move around wandering and wondering expiring the beautie.