Spaces with a story



The Royalty is the neighbor of the Royal Palace. Positioned on the corner of the Herengracht, the most wealthy canal of Amsterdam filled with antique canal houses built by old families. Distinguished its overlooking the canals and the Raadhuisstraat, the driveway for the Palace.


The Story of the Space is The Royalty. Overthinking whats the difference between our royal king of you made you realize we are all human beings and all the same. And in this way we have all the same setting in our life to cooperate with. And indeed we all have a kingdom. Your kingdom is your space your live in with all the ingredients that are part of it. And you’r ruling that kingdom with the objective to create a JoyJoyJoy space of it.


The house is styled with natural beauty and rich details inspired by the Royal atmosphere. Beside the classic details from the 16th century, when the house was built we add timeless design to optimale the joyjoyjoy design.



We should be United People on this globe…no? As we have all the samen Grand fathers and mothers and uncles and brothers. We love one big family on the bench of the world on our birthdays. A lovely family without fights. That is the best thing there would be.


In the United people all kind of people are model for the name and design of the several spaces. With 8 departments in the house its an classic example of the canal house. Filled with many spaces it houses many functions. The names are funny and defiant. Like The White Wild, The Grey Youngster, The Black Bossy Babe.


Every department is filled with art and design related to the ‘people’ it represent. Its a little museum about a new world order. With several layers that make you laugh or think or inspire.



The building is build by a former trader in the colonial times. he earned a lot of money with products from the Carib. He build 3 houses next to each other named after the islands he traded with. This house has the name Porto Rico. It means in fact rich harbor. The way this trade was done has implications for the world. We named the house Tropics at the Canals to inspire you to trade according the JoyJoyJoy Society.


An economy that feeds all the people and feeds the globe. A system that facilitate fair trade so all people can survive. And a system that not harms the globe but make her a better place. Its an economy in balance. It leaves the unlimited grow economy as thats poisoning our life and our happiness.


With a life in balance with ingredients that satisfies your main 4 basic needs you become the most happy person. Thats included in our philosophy. And this joyjoyjoy lifestyle you find through the whole house with art and design.



Solo is the new way of living. Living your own route within freedom. Enjoying friends and relatives around you to enjoyjoyjoy living at special moments. The time people living solo are seen as a singel without relation is within our lifestyle definitely changed. Living as a solo is the new standard. And a standard that attracts many people.


Living in the Solo Solos house is for people that adore this way of life. In the spaces everything is created to optimize this way of living. Beside you’r own space with your own fair furniture and comfy accessoires there are shared spaces to enjoy other people or to be with your friends. On the ground floor you find the restaurant to get daily food where we organise solo drinks to join and to create new allianties with each other.


The location is at the Knowledge Mile and the learning institutes draped along have a lot solos move around. The solos are the biggest group in Amsterdam. And we connect them with spaces that UP-grade this lifestyle.



We incorporate the joyjoyjoy lifestyle in all the spaces. A lifestyle that inspires you to grow your happiness AND create a better world. If we  follow this religion we will  survive in a better world. So thats what we preach in this old church.


Basilika is the spot where joyjoyjoy living is the new religion. Everything is based on the 4 joysticks for Living. The Happy, Healthy, Honourly and Harmony sticks with which you rule your living. In joyjoyjoy Basilika you find all the inspiration for this new religion with products, workshops, food, expo’s events and much more.


The building was a church standing in Amsterdam North under the cranes of the NDSM wharf part of the charming NDSM village now getting a second life to empower people and the planet.



The White House refers to that other White House that want to rule the world. This White House is there to invite you to rule your world in another way. To let it turn the other way around.


The White House is divided in 4 departments. Every department is named according the 4 directions in the world. Only here the South, the North, the East and the West are shuffled. So the windrose has new directions. By giving the world other directions it will turn in the direction that gives us joyjoyjoy.


The South department is draped in warm colours with tropical vibes. The North department is icy and snowy with a cool interior. The East department is filled with the east wind that creates a silver grey mist. The West department stands for the blue waters filled with animals and water plants.




The house is top located between the woods, the dunes and the city. And in the dunes the famous Circuit is draped. They’re counts special rules to win. But these rules are also applicable on our route in life. In fact living is one big circuit.


In la Vie de la Circuit you find all kind of ingredients to keep your car right on track. Its filled with tools to work on your car to optimize your machine. There are inspirational books about the possible routes. Workshops are here organised about this subject.


The front spaces is the showroom, the back space is the pit stop and the upper space is the garage. in every space you can work on your route and finetune your car and use the steer wheel to move with souplesse.

Denia kaart



Located between the sunny sun, the clean sky, the natural hill, the sandy sea and the rock city a marvelous casa is put in this landscape. Filled with ingredients without we would not survive. The sun gives us the energy we need. The sky is the airsupplier to let us breath, the hills offers us al the fruity fruits and veggies we needs, the beach and the sea are part of our maritime system without we where only dust, and the rock our earth is made off is our habitat where we find shelter.


Its all nature and find back through the whole finca. Its’s even a little expo beside a hot spot to stay. It tells us the story we are part of nature. And instead of managing nature we should let nature rule. As we are on the guest list of nature. Without her we are nothing. Be her honored guest. Beside is she the one that makes us the most happy.  She is our home. Welcome home…