To operationalize UP-grading your living achieving a world based on the Happiness index, instead of the economic grow index, we work with the model of the 4 joyjoyjoy sticks.
They cover the 4 fields your life is about. Work on the relation with your mind and sole / the relation with your body / the relation with the world: what is your output and ambitions / the relation with the people around you. The 4 handles help you to develop on this main captures in life and let you grow on the Happiness Index. They 4 are the Harmony, the Healthy, the Honest and the Hot Handle.
The Happiness index focuses on peoples well being. Well-being is made by cross ingredients. They make you happy and don’t infect your world in the wrong way. The economic grow index is based on the coins ingredients. By focussing on creating more coins the happiness will erode and the world will implode. Of course we cant live without coins, as we cant live without cross.
Basically we need coins to buy the products necessary to feed our live and warm our body with a house and clothes and we want to move so we need some transport. But the cross ingredients feeds the mind and hart. And that’s the place where you feel. And as happiness is a feeling we need to invest in this part of our body
With interior design based on the 4 handles from JoyJoyJoy Society a new way of housing appears. In this way the space where you move around inspire you to life in a way you grow on the Happiness Index.