The 4 JoyJoyJoy Sticks



To operationalize UP-grading your living achieving a world based on the Happiness index, instead of the economic grow index, we work with the model of the 4 joyjoyjoy sticks.


They cover the 4 fields your life is about.  Work on the relation with your mind and sole / the relation with your body / the relation with the world: what is your output and ambitions / the relation with the people around you. The 4 handles help you to develop on this main captures in life and let you grow on the Happiness Index. They 4  are the  Harmony, the Healthy, the Honest and the Hot Handle.


The Happiness index focuses on peoples well being. Well-being is made by cross ingredients. They make you happy and don’t infect your world in the wrong way. The economic grow index is based on the coins ingredients. By focussing on creating more coins the happiness will erode and the world will implode. Of course we cant live without coins, as we cant live without cross.


Basically we need coins to buy the products necessary to feed our live and warm our body with a house and clothes and we want to move so we need some transport. But the cross ingredients feeds the mind and hart. And that’s the place where you feel. And as happiness is a feeling we need to invest in this part of our body


With interior design based on the 4 handles from JoyJoyJoy Society a new way of housing appears. In this way the space where you move around inspire you to life in a way you grow on the Happiness Index.



The relation with your self is the most important. This stick is about how your own mind and sole are doing.


The level you’re satisfied about this handle is much influencing your happy status on the index. By giving attention to this part of your life within your space creates an important UP-grade. It’s about investing in your mind and soul with relaxing, mindfulness, listening to music, looking at art. About relevating your emotions like proud versus ashamed, empathic versus egocentric and introvert versus extravert. About learning to deal with your inner self by being aware of (in) confidence, the intro perspective element, stress and so on. All parts of the puzzle you are. Operating focussed on that part gives masses of energy and fun.


In the spaces colours infects the way we experience the space. Soft and warm colours have a good association and creates upgrading and so gets us higher on the happiness index. Strange enough a lot of spaces are coloured mainly grey and black. Both in the standard homes. But also in the design houses. Why we do this as we know this colours downsize our happiness index. Like the blue sky on a sunny day where the yellow sun is against the blue background makes everybody smile and happy.


Get connection with nature. Use eco products. Natural materials. Create a space for your self. Privacy to think free. To work on your self. Take Me time. Create you private space and inform people around you know your wanting your time.



This is about the relation with your body. Food and Move are both the tools to invest in it.


In a healthy body its much more easy to feel good and grow on the happiness index. Good food is food that really feed your system. To give you the energy you need to go on. And to prevent too much rubbish enter your body. As rubbish creates only negative effects. For your body but also for your mind and beside for the world.


Good food also includes food that’s made healthy. Food that’s eco and fair. Food that creates balance in the food chain. For every piece of food you put in your mouth you can choose. Is it creating Upgrading or not. With implementing good food in your housing its much more easy to life in balance with this goal.


Move is the other ingredient that affects the Healthy handle. Moving your body has a positive effect on your health. You get not sick and will die later. The effect on you mind is positive to as the hormones that appear through moving gives a happy feeling. Moving can be done in many ways without infecting the world in a negative way.


By designing spaces that influence the move element in life it facilitate the UP-grading and on the same moment creates a more meaningful space. In the space several spots are meant to be with your body. The space allows you to move. And in some ways spots in the house has double functions. On the other hand move attributes are integrated in the interior. Walking shoes on a platform. Weights next to your couch. A spring cord hanging on your door at a beautiful hook. Boxing gloves hanging at the wall as a picture.


Good looking moving attributes are beautiful and a design object. It’s more cool to have weights on your cupboard then an object without any meaning. These ingredients will inspire to move your body and will boost the body. You will feel more healthy. Next to it sport attributes makes you proud there part of your live. They feed your self asteame. It affects your ego as people will look up at you seeing you investing in the cool moves. And on the other hand they will be inspired to life also like that.




The Honest stick let you steer on your ambitions and actions in this world. What you are doing on the world to adjust to the society. It’s about your ambitions, your role, your output, your impact. What you give and what you take.


Within your role you’re able to create positive impact. With your job you can work on enabling UP grading. By behaving as an inspiring person by generate UP-grading the society gets more energy. It makes you grow on the happiness-index.


Through taking things from the world without breaking her down you feel better. If you are free you make you own choices and the choice can be not to buy and consume like the coins concept learn you but follow the cross concept and invest in elements that let your self grow and the world.


Fashion is no fashion so the start from the upgrading is creating your own style and make you independent from what others tell you. If everybody in the chain get better because you where the one that’s buying that product. By choosing the products that are made fair so the children from the people that make your product have food and go to a school. Supporting this life style creates UP-grading in the world and will let you grow on the happiness index.


The Honest Handle is part of the design in the spaces. The products used are fair trade made by small-scale communities. The interior is made from pure products. The soaps are eco. The furniture recycled.


There is a spot reserved in your space that invites you to analyse your role and ambitious. To think about it and formulate your goals. To reset your system and realise what you really want to do with your life and with your world. On this spot you find paper books and pens to write about your life. A pencil to draw your favourite life. Books to inspire you. Texts to boost you.


By upgrading your living with this handle the effect on your output in this world is very high. Here you are capable of doing the most effective things. Because this handle is not only about you but also about your world.With these great possibilities your able to grow on the happynes index with pretty big steps.




This stick is about your relation with the people around you. With your partner, family, friends, colleges or people in other contexts. It’s about your social position in the field.


It’s the 4th quart from the quadrant that’s covering the 4 most important elements in life. Within this part love and beloved is a centred aspect within this handle. Warmth, respect and being seend are aspects related to this. If there is balance within this quarter an important part of your position on the happiness index is covered. Its obvious that experiencing to be accepted and as you are and valued in a positive way creates Upgrading in living.


On the other side of this subject is the way you behave to this other people. Being an emphatic person investing in relations generates much positive hormones that fluids through your system. The rewarding effect of the hormones is experiencing happiness. Both sides of the social relations, receiving and giving, are based cross ingredients. They are free and not physical infecting the globe by costing materials. The reservoir of possibilities to feed this terrain is without a bottom.


It’s the terrain where it’s the most easy to create a lot of grow on the happiness index. On the other hand if people experience some barrier of taking from this reservoir it’s creating less happiness. For that the spaces are designed to facilitate growing within this handle.