UP-grade your spaces


To create a world developing in a positiv way we need tot think in solutions that creates upgrading. We are living in period where technical solutions and the awareness of operating in another directions are flourishing.


Social design is an important ingredient in that proces. Every design initiatif with the approach to create upgrading is part of the social design movement. Its about products and strategies that helps people to have a better life.


Its a movement we are part of by developing spaces that creates UP-grading. Spaces with ingredients that supports you growing on the Happiness Index.



Just now when we know more about the world in all his details thanks to the technical possibilities the awareness is growing that its ower responsibility to work on the problems faced in our world. Thats including a broad range of items varying from hunger, war, refugees, unfair production, climate changes, geopolitical issues to responsible leadership.


More and more the world experience the urge to change the way we turn around. More and more global initiatives are taken.


We want to be part of it by creating a life style including spaces and products to inspire people to live different.



JoyJoyJoy Society  is aiming to integrate all the possibilities to create better living here and there. Development and innovation and think out of the box are the tools.


We are a social entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is the most great thing to do in life. And when it’s creating beautifull results it’s the best thing to do in living.


We don’t understand any company that’s only driven by earning. And if its only goal is to make the most money as possible we think your out of your mind. For us thats pretty old-fashioned. It’s so cool and interesting to improve your effort to a much higher level and create beside financial result also social and ecological results.



Every step we take is driven by the goal to create upgrading in one-way or the other. Its in our genes and in our sole. That’s why we keep thinking and sourcing for the best solution concerning every detail in our business.


By designing spaces focussing on the soft aspects we create progress to grown on the Happiness Index. And by connecting our bznz with other parts in the world we create internal UP-grading on every level.


We saw people dying on the street. We saw the happiness from the family when a new order from Holland was placed. We saw the smiles when we created the spaces for the homeless people in poor countries. Its both sides and by operating fair according the rules from the Happiness Index your able to move upwards. That inspires and energyses us every day, every minute!